Mick / Funny & Tutti - Shimouma Mondo Club
¥2,530 税込
DJ Nozaki氏のレーベルから2010年代中期にリリースされた、6枚の名作10inch群の1枚。リズムマシンとアシッディなシンセによる、7分超のシンプルなループと後半のギターで持っていくMick氏によるA-side。Italo-cosmicクラッシック “GANG – KKK”を彷彿とさせる80年代臭のするリズムに、こちらもアシッドシンセ×ギターでハメていくFunny & Tutti氏によるB-side。派手さはないものの、ズブズブとフロアに催眠をかける2曲入りです。
This is one of six masterpiece 10-inch albums released in the mid-2010s by DJ Nozaki's label. The A-side is by Mick, who takes over seven minutes of simple looping with rhythm machines and acidic synths, and the guitar in the latter half. The B-side is by Funny & Tutti, who also add acid synths and guitar to an 80s-esque rhythm reminiscent of the Italo-cosmic classic "GANG - KKK". Although not flashy, it is a set of two tracks that will deeply hypnotize the dance floor.
※薄くノイズが乗る箇所があります / Light noise
Record: VG+ (Minor scratches/軽いキズ)
Cover: VG+
Format: 10inch
Label: 10 Inches Of Pleasure Records / 2016
Genre: House, Acid House
A Shimouma Mondo Club
B Bakuro Hills Jockey Club
¥2,530 税込